​Looking for music to use in Videos, Games, Podcasts, TV and Multimedia Projects?
Looking for original and royalty free music with a simple one time fee?
We produce royalty free background and production music covering a wide selection of styles.
Once purchased you are free to use the music in your own productions, podcasts, videos etc.
Perfect for Video, TV, Media, Podcasts, Games or Projects that require professional and unique music.
Also Available:
2019 Guitar Rock Set 1
A selection of guitar styled rock, metal and acoustic guitar tracks. Great for adding depth and movement to Video and Media
Power Rock Metal: Vol 1
A selection of rock and metal guitar tracks. Great for adding powerful depth and movement to Video and Media
C7 Stings and Bumps
Featuring a collection ofre-edited of Concept 7 tracks edited in to make them a great addition for any project requiring upbeat songs and stingers.
The C7C Re-Edits
Featuring a collection of
re-edited of Concept 7 tracks edited in to make them a great addition for any project requiring upbeat songs and stingers.
Power Stings & Bumpers: Vol 1
A selection of guitar styled rock and metal stings and bumpers. Great for powerful intros and outros.